Please help out the Chess Club if you can.
Homecoming Highlights!
Congratulations to Brandi Robertson!
She won the prize drawing with over $300 in prizes! Thanks to all of the parents & guardians who took the time to complete the tasks.
Join Art Club!
Stop by for dinner tonight!
Make sure you are entered for our drawing!
Busy week! Lets go Miners & Knights!!!
Homecoming is next week! Here are the dress up days for September 25-29.
Congratulations to Mark Lierman! Enjoy the Hall of Fame Banquet this weekend, you deserve it!
Elementary students enjoyed our new STEM items that were purchased thanks to a generous grant from the Shullsburg Fund.
The Part-Time Childcare Assistant job description can be found on the school website under Employment Opportunities.
Just a reminder for the Miners!
Picture day is Monday, September 18th. To order, use the codes listed for elementary, jr. high, and high school.
Way to go Miners!
We are excited to see you all tomorrow! Look at the great job Ms. Suiter's summer class did updating our bathrooms.
Come out to see a great game & help honor parents!
The Knight football apparel is in the school office ready for pick up.
Reminder, the office is closed on Friday, September 1st so please pick up before then.
We are proud to be a high placement school!